Contact and the Entrust Care Partnership are delighted to announce that Entrust will be hosting Coventry Parent Carer Forum from 5 April 2023. As a host organisation, Entrust will enable the parent carers who are shaping and running the Forum to benefit from its own well-established local links and experience. It will also provide additional management, finance and staffing support.
Coventry Parent Carer Forum is a new independent group created and run by parent carers of children and young people with additional needs aged 0-25yrs and living in Coventry. It aims to work with Coventry City Council, the Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board (NHS) and other statutory agencies as an equal partner to help improve services for Coventry children with special educational needs and/or health needs, whether diagnosed or not.
Want to stay updated?
Are you the parent carer of a child or young person with additional needs aged 0-25 either living in or accessing statutory services (for instance a school or health provision) in Coventry? Please join the closed Coventry PCF Facebook group today.
Are you a parent carer interested to get more actively involved in shaping the Forum and/or volunteering to sit on a start-up committee?
email lynnebarton@entrustcarepartnership.org.uk
Are you a parent carer, professional, or someone else interested in the work of Coventry PCF?
Opt in to receive Coventry PCF e-news.
Want to know more about parent carer forums?
Do you want to find out more about parent carer forums and how they work? Watch the video What is a Parent Carer Forum and What Do They Do? And, watch Making a Difference, Why Should I Join My Local Parent Carer Forum? to discover how parent carers across England are helping improve local and national services for children with additional needs.
Coventry Parent Carer Forum is an independent organisation created and run by parent carers to improve services for local children and young people with additional needs. https://www.coventrypcf.com/
Contact is the delivery partner of the Department for Education in delivering parent carer participation in England. https://contact.org.uk/
The Entrust Care Partnership is committed to meeting the needs of disabled children, young people, adults, and their families and carers living in Coventry and Warwickshire through the provision of short break activities, support, training and advice. https://entrustcarepartnership.org.uk/